Dictionary.com – PSafe Blog https://www.psafe.com/en/blog Articles and news about Mobile Security, Android, Apps, Social Media and Technology in general. Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:49:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://www.psafe.com/en/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/cropped-psafe_blog_purple-shield-32x32.png Dictionary.com – PSafe Blog https://www.psafe.com/en/blog 32 32 <![CDATA[3 Android Apps That Every Blogger Needs to Have]]> https://www.psafe.com/en/blog/3-android-apps-every-blogger-needs/ Mon, 21 Nov 2016 20:20:47 +0000 https://www.psafe.com/en/blog/?p=5874 Digital writing is pretty important these days. No matter why you write, whether it’s work for a professional media company, to enhance your own personal brand, or simply because you feel passionate enough about something to write about it for the Internet, you want to ensure your blog is credible and enjoyable to read.

Sadly, those two criteria prove more difficult to reach than you’d imagine. Even if you do manage to make something that is grounded in facts and is a pleasure to spend a few minutes perusing, there are the additional hurdles that you may not anticipate, such as publishing tools, proofreading, target audiences, and critical feedback. Since there are so many tools available online to help you compose your blog posts, we’ll spend the next few minutes discussing the five most essential apps for Peabody writers and blogging hobbyists alike.

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1)  Your Blogging App of Choice

What is a blogger without their blogging app? This is perhaps the most obvious must-have on this list — after all, how do you expect to blog regularly if you can’t do so on the go from your fingertips? Still, if you haven’t already begun to blog regularly, or are looking for a platform that works best on mobile devices, we’ll give you a quick rundown of the two most popular apps available right now.

On the one hand, WordPress has everything you’d want in a blogging app — a straightforward interface, comprehensive editing tools, and the ability to publish wherever you are. The app also allows you to see viewership statistics, moderate comment sections, and upload media from GIFs to videos to your page. Though the app does suffer from the occasional formatting bug (i.e. extra spaces), WordPress remains a robust and reliable blogging app.

Conversely, if you’re more of an artistic type of writer, Tumblr might be a little more up your alley. There’s a blog for nearly anything you can imagine on this platform to help get the creative juices flowing. GIFs, videos, and any other media can be embedded into blog posts. Best of all, there is an engaging, vibrant community of bloggers that can not only help expand your audience, but also improve your writing technique and voice too. Add to this formula an impressive set of customization tools for fonts and headers, and you’re ready to let your imagination and fingers run wild.

2) Dropbox

Let’s say you didn’t have enough time to finish your post on the recent election before getting on your way to work. The last thing you’d want is to lose all your progress, right?

This is the type of scenario when Dropbox really comes in handy. This free app allows you to access all your documents and media files in one convenient location. If you’re working in a group, you can also use Dropbox to see how your team is doing and help out with their content when you get the opportunity to. It’s also a great way to save documents and photos for reference and to use in posts you’ll publish in the future.

3) Dictionary.com

Hey, not all of us have the vocabulary of a professor emeritus at Harvard. Some of us need a little help spicing up our diction and making sure we’re not using words incorrectly. This is where the Dictionary.com app really shines. It has over 2 million definitions and synonyms from Thesaurus.com, giving you a plethora of words, idioms, and phrases to incorporate into your blog posts. The app even includes information on word origins, word history, and commonly-used abbreviations.
