Background App Refresh on Android, Explained
The apps on your device might be constantly refreshing themselves, which can drain your phone’s battery. Find out how you can resolve this issue.
If you have too many apps on your device, your phone is likely trying to perform too many tasks at once — they’ll be constantly updating as they send and receive new data. This will not only drain your phone’s battery faster, but it may also cause your phone to overheat, which can damage your phone’s battery. If your phone starts to overheat — perhaps because you have too many apps, or maybe you’re watching a video — use CPU Cooler to quickly cool down your device:

Read More: How to Change Your Default Apps on Android
Background App Refresh
If you have a lot of apps on your device, odds are you have a lot of apps that are connected to the Internet. Apps that you’re not currently using may still be performing tasks in the “background” of your device. Your background apps are constantly running and refreshing themselves, whether by using cellular data or your Wi-Fi. Naturally, this can increase your data usage, consume a lot of RAM, and drain your phone’s battery life. It can also lead to poor performance since your phone is trying to do too much at once.
The Biggest Offenders
The apps that affect your phone’s performance the most include: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Twitter, your email app, Google Maps, and Google Docs/Sheets. Games and music apps can also take up a lot of your phone’s power. Social networking and messaging apps are by far the worst, though, especially if they have a wide variety of functions, like Facebook. At a minimum, Facebook lets you read articles, shop online, browse the web, upload photos, and communicate with your friends — that’s a lot of information for one app.
Stop Apps From Refreshing
One way that you can close background apps is by using DFNDR’s Memory Booster feature. Memory Booster will show you all of the apps that are running in the background, and allow you to quickly close them all. This will free up your RAM and speed up your device. Click here to boost your phone by closing background apps: