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How to Prevent Identity Theft When You’re Online

It’s important to keep your identity secure every time you surf the web by taking certain measures to protect yourself when you’re online.

Browsing the Internet is fun, useful, and — let’s face it — a part of our day-to-day lives. Since we do it so often, we can then come face to face with phishing attacks, malware, and even identity theft. Enduring an identity theft issue is quite the inconvenience. Click here to download dfndr security and use the anti-hacking feature when browsing the web to make your online experience more secure:

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Anti-hacking will protect you against phishing attempts and malicious websites that are designed to steal your personal information. Once activated, you’ll be automatically blocked from unsafe websites so that you can browse the web worry-free. Still, there are other ways you can protect yourself against identity theft online.

Read More: How to Use dfndr’s anti-hacking Feature

Watch Out for Phishing Sites and Attempts
Phishing attempts present themselves in the form of a website that looks like a legitimate business, however, they’re really looking for your sensitive information. For instance, they may be asking for a username and password, or even an address, social security number, credit card number, driver’s license number, or bank account number. Don’t enter information if anything about the site seems suspicious, and don’t hesitate to do research on the site to make sure it’s safe. Avoid this from happening altogether by using Anti-Hacking and only shopping on sites that you know to be secure.

Create Unique Passwords for Every Site
Using unique passwords for each login will make it less likely that you’ll suffer from identity theft. This is because hackers who gain access to one account could easily get into another if you use the same password for multiple sites. Use complex and unique passwords for each site so that you are completely protected. You may even want to consider using a secure password generator to ensure that your key is as safe as possible.

Secure Your Wireless Network
Securing your wireless network is another great way to protect yourself against the possibility of identity theft. Leaving your network open by not securing it with WPA encryption can allow an attacker to use your network without your knowledge, and also see what you’re doing on the web. Then, hackers can build a profile of you and your entire family, as well as of the websites you visit. This could allow malicious individuals access to items like your social security number or your credit card number. Add a password to your wireless network to protect against this, and change it periodically.