The Rise of Phishing Scams via Text Message
Phishing scams are becoming more and more prevalent, and hackers are getting better at tricking their victims through text messages. Learn how to be safe!
Phishing scams don’t just land in your inbox anymore, cyber criminals are now targeting SMS phones more than ever. If you want to keep your smartphone and private information safe from hackers that use phishing attacks through text messages, activate dfndr security’s anti-hacking feature now. This technologically advanced feature will help protect your smartphone from any possible phishing attempts before you even click on a link in an SMS. Check it out if you’ve been receiving strange SMS messages lately:

What Are Text Message Phishing Scams?
This type of phishing scam involves a fraudulent text message that is sent to you that appears to be coming from a legitimate source. Some sources that hackers may pretend to be (and have pretended to be in the past) are your university, your Internet service provider, your email, or even your bank. They typically say that something is wrong with your account or that you need to update your login information because your security has been compromised. Then, the text message will include a link to their fake website that is pretending to be a real company. Once you’re on the spoofed website, it will typically ask you to enter your private information. The website may ask for your password, a credit card, or any other login information. Once you have entered your personal information, the hackers will use it to steal your accounts or credit cards.
Read More: 5 Unknown Phishing Scams to Watch for During the Holidays
How You Can Keep Yourself Safe From Phishing Scams
The best way to keep yourself safe from phishing scams is to be very wary of any text message you get from a “trusted” source. Very few Internet providers or universities will text you asking to update your information. In general, don’t click any link that an unverified text message number sends you. The safest way to check if the text message is real is to email or call the real trusted source and ask.