Should You Use an App to Control Your Home’s Alarm System?
Burglars be gone! New technology allows people to have their home security on their Android phones. Is it worth it, or is there a catch?
In the old days of home security, a simple alarm-tripping system was the most consumers could hope for. Then, consumers could come home and find their home already robbed. Now that smartphones and apps are more commonplace, the technology behind alarm systems has grown exponentially. Even with home security apps protecting your home, cheap home security systems may be potentially dangerous with weak malware protection, especially if the cost seems unreasonably low. Make sure you avoid getting a virus on your Android by regularly scanning your device for malware. Activate the full virus scan feature to check your phone and SD card for any malicious threats:

There are so many security features that can be accessed remotely, which can create more peace of mind for homeowners. The big question is if app-based home security systems are worth it, or if there is a catch to the new tech medium. There are pros and cons to app-based operations when using an official security system or even one paired with your Internet service provider package.
Often, you have to pay membership fees to independent services, and a system you like may not even be compatible with your smartphone. The key to choosing a home security app includes research and cross-referencing. Look around online before you buy or commit to any particular service.
Read More: Security Risks of Apps Sharing Data with Advertisers
Even with the most basic home alarm system, the features are monumental. Using your smartphone, you can control your house lights and small appliances, among others. You may want to do this to save power, prevent disasters, or even create the illusion that you are home. You can also save on energy costs by controlling your thermostat on your Android.
If you forget to lock your front door, you can control your locks with a click of a button. Your phone can even access live video of your home in case of burglary attempts, or if you want to check on your dog while you’re away. You can receive notifications in case of a break-in, fire, flood, or carbon monoxide incident, or even be notified when the doorbell rings. You can put special protection around certain areas, like gun racks or valuable safes. In totality, home security apps can cover a lot of ground when it comes to keeping your home secure.
Besides tech compatibility problems and issues regarding subscription costs, home security apps are a worthy investment. With tons of resources and services to choose from, the value of remote security trumps the detractions.