Tips for Taking the Best Photos on Your Android
Who says you can’t take impressive pictures with your smartphone camera? Use these tips to become a bona fide Android photographer.
No need to lug around a heavy digital camera if you want to preserve important moments or capture breathtaking landscapes — your Android has everything you need to take brag-worthy photos. When taking photos, though, you’ll likely take several identical shots. Instead of letting these photos take up needless space, use the duplicate photos feature to remove repeat photos quickly on one screen:

Clean the Lens
It’s important to have a clean lens when taking photos. If there are debris or fingerprints on the lens, this will result in a blurry picture. Before you shoot, wipe down your lens with a microfiber cloth.
Read More: The 5 Best Apps to Filter Photos on an Android
You can focus your Android camera by simply tapping the screen. Focus on the subject you want to stand out, or tap near the bottom of the screen to light up the picture. It may take a while to focus on a subject that is close up, so patience and timing is key.
Tweak the Exposure
You can also change the camera’s exposure in your phone’s settings. Longer exposure times let more light into the lens, which is great for dim settings, but photographing moving things with a long exposure time can result in a streaky photo. For moving subjects, lower exposure times are ideal.
Get Perspective
The rule of thirds is well-known among photographers. If your picture is divided into nine equally sized squares, the photo’s subject should be located in an intersection or on a line. If this sounds complicated, don’t worry; you can make a grid appear on your screen to help you perfectly align your photo. Also, if you’re photographing a horizon, aim to make it straight across. However, you can always adjust this later.
Use an App
There are plenty of apps you can use to improve your photo quality, both before and after the picture is taken. Some apps give you more control over your camera’s settings, while others are geared towards editing. Many are free, so be sure to experiment.
Hold Still
A still camera produces sharper images. If you can, support the device or your arms on a sturdy surface while you’re shooting. Better yet, invest in a tripod.
Know When to Flash
It’s generally not a great idea to use flash (except in really dim environments), as it tends to produce overly harsh light. To make an image taken with flash less harsh-looking and more attractive, put a piece of semi-translucent white tape over the lens.
Even if you don’t become an expert Android photographer, it’s fun to play around with your camera’s features and aim for high-quality pictures. Not only is this getting the most out of your device, but it’s also a great creative outlet.