How Clutter Can Slow Down Your Phone Without You Knowing It
Is your phone running slowly? Find out what you need to do to clean the clutter off your phone and make it run like brand new!
Ever wonder why your phone runs slower, even when you close all your apps? The answer is simple: you have too much clutter on your phone. If there is so much junk bogging your processor down, where is it, though? In this case, the clutter is deep in your Android’s hard drive. Click here to use quick cleanup to remove useless junk files, temporary files, cache, and trash that are taking up too much storage space on your phone and slowing it down:

The Issue with Temporary Files and Cache Files
Even after you close your apps, the seeds that were planted during their usage are still on the hard drive, in two key ways. The first involves temporary files. Every short-term function during the usage of your Android apps uses temporary files, whether to store a previous version of your app, a new update, or records of any changes during the app’s usage. When you close the app, all the temporary files are deleted (depending on how the app was designed), only to create more the next time you open the app.
Read More: Which Apps Slow Down Your Smartphone the Most?
Temporary files can slow your processor and drain your battery if the app is left on in the background. However, after the app is closed, there are still pieces of clutter building in your hard drive. These files are not temporary, and while essential to the app’s function, they do not delete themselves. These files are called cache files, and they may be the reason your Android is running slow.
Every time your apps need to store long-term information, like backups and other pieces of information they will need on a later date, they store them into a cache file. However, with every new usage of the app, cache files stack on top of outdated cache files, and the pile builds until your hard drive is stuffed with useless cache junk.
Since cache files cannot be accessed through your phone, they can be difficult to find. There are many ways to delete your outdated cache files without having to go through your hard drive file by file. Simply use quick cleanup on your Android to delete the outdated temporary and cache files from the nooks and crannies of your phone’s hard drive.
After getting rid of all of your junk files, you will notice significant changes to your Android’s hard drive. You will have to run quick cleanup every once in a while to keep your phone running smoothly; cache builds up every once in a while. Just be sure to make your Android run faster by deleting your phone’s clutter.